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  • Contact us on this website | ROS

    Please type your email address, Name, Subject and your Message and click the red 'send' button. We will then try to get back to you as soon as we are able Thanks! Message sent. Send

  • Pirates of Penzance 2010 | ROS

    Please click on individual phots to enlarge Main Gallery Pirates of Penzance 2010 With thanks to Rachel! Back to Memory Lane

  • In progress | ROS

    Over £300.00 was raised at our last R.O.S. quiz night ​ Help us do even better at our next quiz by supporting, sharing and coming along! Further details to follow at a later date Next quiz night: On hold for the moment! News and Show Reviews Policy and Procedures ​ We have recently revised the Society's polices and procedures in order to comply with current laws and protect our members, all those who work with us and the general public Current members are required to make themselves familiar with ROS policies which can be found from this direct link to the relevant page ROS POLICY DOCUMENTS FIDDLER ON THE ROOF REVIEW ​ My Fair Lady Review ​ Review for Pajama game A BLAST FROM THE PAST Our esteemed and long serving committee member, Bob Drywood, recalls a time with the Redditch Operatic Society with a little help from NODA Click here to see a youthful and dashing Mr Drywood! Blast from the past! Noda Review Pirates of Penzance! Noda Review BLITZ! Back to home page UPDATES COMING SOON! ​ 'ROS on the Road' As we slowly move away from the current restrictions on rehearsal and performance, ROS are hoping to soon be busy with preparations to bring you a fresh and exiting range of shows for next year! ​ We will still continue to bring you first class popular shows at the best venues, kicking off with the fantastic 'Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat' in the beautiful setting of Margate's Theatre Royal but we will be also adding some extra treats for our audiences. One planned venture is a costumed, musical review show set in a particular period in time in select locations around the county. We believe that the location for this first show is very special, and quite unique. More details will follow soon! Be sure to keep up with all ROS news and events by checking this website, liking our FaceBook page or e-mailing us. We always love to hear your comments and welcome your suggestions!

  • Social media policy | ROS

    Ramsgate Operatic Society Registered charity no 109538 SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY ​ Introduction We encourage and welcome open, lively debate, but the decision to publish comments and/or images (including video) via any social media, associated with the Charity, remains at the discretion of the Trustees. The views expressed by any third party upon these platforms belong solely to them and are not necessarily endorsed by the charity. One or more Trustees shall be named as hosts or administrators of any such page, website or account. The Definition Social media is an interactive online media that allows users to communicate instantly with each other or to share data in a public forum. It includes social and business networking websites such as Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter and LinkedIn. Social media also covers video and image sharing websites such as Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and Flickr, as well as blogs. This is a constantly changing area with new websites and platforms being launched on a regular basis, and therefore this list is not exhaustive. Official Accounts For everyone posting on our behalf on any platform, the following rules must at all times be followed: • Never post any potentially offensive or libellous material. • Ensure that any communication has a purpose and a benefit for the society. • Obtain permission from the committee before embarking on a public campaign using social media. • Request a committee member to check and approve content before it is published online, if necessary. • Follow any additional guidelines given by the society. Members’ Accounts Comments and/or images on any Charity associated social media platform will be acceptable if they conform to the following criteria: They do not bring the Charity into disrepute Comments and/or images shall not be malicious or offensive in nature, and shall not constitute a personal attack on a person’s character and shall not constitute bullying, harassment or discrimination against any organisation or individual They do not incite hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or any other personal characteristic They do not reveal personal details, such as private addresses, phone numbers, email addresses or other online contact details, unless expressly desired by that person. They are reasonably concise, and do not constitute spamming of the site. They do not impersonate or falsely claim to represent a person or organisation. They are not party political in nature. They do not include offensive, hate or other obscene material. They do not break the law – this includes libel, condoning illegal activity, and breaking copyright. They do not advertise commercial products and services except for the purpose of advertising amateur productions, or trips to see professional productions They do not disparage any member of the Charity, or any other amateur group or member Persons under 16 of age shall obtain the permission of their parent or guardian before submitting a comment. Ensure that any personal views expressed are clearly stated as yours alone and not representative of the society’s views. Do not bring the society into disrepute, for example by posting images or video clips that are inappropriate or links to inappropriate website content. Do not allow your interaction on social media websites or blogs to damage working relationships with or between members, audience members or suppliers of the society, for example by criticising or arguing with such persons. Do not post any personal details of anyone connected to the society without their express permission. Avoid making any derogatory, offensive, adverse, discriminatory, untrue, negative, critical or defamatory comments about the society, other members, patrons, contractors or suppliers, or any comments which might reasonably be considered to insult, damage or impugn the society’s or their reputation or character. Do not disclose any secrets or confidential, proprietary or sensitive information belonging to the society or members. This may include the nature or title of upcoming shows. Do not breach copyright or any other proprietary interest belonging to the society. Social Media Monitoring The society reserves the right to monitor the use of social media on the internet. We may do this through randomised searches, specifically looking up profiles we suspect, or are referred to, as breaking the rules. The purposes of this monitoring are to: Ensure compliance with our own policy. Ensure the society is complying with our own policies and legal obligations. Protect the interests and reputation of the society and its members. Contravention of this Policy If necessary, any article comment, image, video, thread or post shall be moderated by the Trustees and will be removed if it does not meet the above criteria. Persons or Organisations who ignore this ruling shall have their threads, comments or posts removed. Any member found to repeatedly or seriously breach our policy may be asked to leave the society. ​ ​ Back to ROS policies

  • The Pajama Game 2018 | ROS

    The Pajama Game was performed at the Granville Theatre in November 2018 We had the music all sewn up and the comedy elements left the audience in stitches Please click on individual photos to enlarge Photos reproduced with kind permission of 'Photogenic Photography' 1/2 Main Gallery Click the Icon for more information Programme

  • Hunchback memes | ROS

    Some promotional memes and images produced for the show Please click on individual photos to enlarge 1/1 Main Gallery Programme Hunchback Of Notre Dame

  • Honk! 2016 | ROS

    Please click on individual photos to enlarge 'Honk!' was performed at the Granville Theatre in May 2016 We all had a 'quacking' good time!! Main Gallery

  • My Fair Lady 2018 | ROS

    My Fair Lady was performed at the Granville Theatre in May 2018 with Jacquie Walker-Kemp directing. The cast had a great time with the wonderful tunes. Dootlitte (Mike Brody) got to the church on time and was married in the morning! Noel Ensol as Higgins and Amy Cookson as Eliza grew accustomed to acting their socks off! Photos reproduced with kind permission of 'Photogenic Photography' Please click on individual photos to enlarge Main Gallery Programme 1/1

  • Past programmes | ROS

    Past P rogrammes With thanks to Sally Collins, Mel Aster and Brian and Pauline Booker The 70's collection Gondoliers 1971 HMS Pinafore 1977 My Fair Lady 1976 Iolanthe 1975 Trial by Jury / Sorcerer 1978 Yeoman of the guard 1976 The 80's collection Carousel 1986 Mikado 1988 HMS Pinafore 1987 Calamity Jane 1987 Chu Chin Chow 1988 Carousel 1986 The 90's collection Brigadoon 1992 Brigadoon 1992 Brigadoon 1992 Past P rogrammes With thanks to Sally Collins, Mel Aster and Brian and Pauline Booker The 70's collection Gondoliers 1971 HMS Pinafore 1977 My Fair Lady 1976 Iolanthe 1975 Trial by Jury / Sorcerer 1978 Yeoman of the guard 1976 The 80's collection Carousel 1986 Mikado 1988 HMS Pinafore 1987 Calamity Jane 1987 Chu Chin Chow 1988 Carousel 1986 The 90's collection Brigadoon 1992 Brigadoon 1992 Brigadoon 1992 Past Programmes With thanks to Sally Collins, Mel Aster and Brian and Pauline Booker The 70's collection Gondoliers 1971 HMS Pinafore 1977 My Fair Lady 1976 Iolanthe 1975 Trial by Jury / Sorcerer 1978 Yeoman of the guard 1976 Merry Widow 1973 Bless the Bride 1978 The 80's collection Carousel 1986 Mikado 1988 HMS Pinafore 1987 Calamity Jane 1987 Chu Chin Chow 1988 Yeomen of the guard 1986 Pajama Game 1989 The 90's collection Oh what a lovely war 1990 Half a sixpence 1990 Brigadoon 1992 Sound of music 1990 (Dickens Players) The Mikado 1994 HMS Pinafore & Trial by jury 1999 The Gondoliers 1991 HMS Pinafore 1992 Oklahoma! 1992 Kiss me Kate 1995 The merry widow 1995 My fair lady 1996 Anything goes 1997 White horse inn 1997 Annie get your gun 1999 Iolanthe 1998 Piraes of Penzance 1993 The Naughties collection Blitz 2000 Calamity Jane 2009 Oklahoma! 2002 Anything goes 2008 Gondoliers 2000 Merry widow 2005 Pirates of Penzance 2004 Me and my girl 2003 Carmen the musical 2008 Sorcerer & Trial by jury 2009 The Mikado 2003 HMS Pinafore 2007 Guys & Dolls 2006 Orpheus in the underworld 2001 Carousel 2005 Fiddler on the roof 2002 Iolanthe 2006 Yeomen of the guard 2001 Beggars Opera 2004 The 2010's - collection South Pacific 20010 Pirates of Penzance 2010 Half a sixpence 2011 Mikado 2011 Magic of the musicals 2013 Marguerite 2012 Patience 2012 HMS Pinnafore 2015 Oklahoma! 2016 Honk! 2016 Souh pacific 2019 Fidler on the roof 2015 Addams family 2014 G&S Pot pourri 2016 Pure imagination 2014 My fair lady 2018 Pajama game 2018 Jekyll & Hyde 2013 Pirates of Penzance 2017 Blitz! 2017 The 2020's collection Diamond Show 2021 Hunchback of Notre Dame 2022 Evita 2021

  • Addams Family 2014 | ROS

    Please click on individual photos to enlarge 'The Addams Family' was performed at the Theatre Royal in 2014 We all had a 'spookily ' good time!! Main Gallery

  • Safeguarding policy | ROS

    Ramsgate Operatic Society Registered charity no 109538 SAFEGUARDING POLICY ​ ­­ The Ramsgate Operatic Society recognises its duty of care under The Children and Young Persons Act 1963, The Protection of Children Act 1999, The Child (Performances and Activities) (England) Regulations 2014, The Protection of Children Act 1999 The society recognises that abuse can take many forms, whether it be physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or neglect. The society is committed to procedures which protect children from harm. All members of the society accept and recognise their responsibilities to develop awareness of the issues which cause children harm. The society believes that: •The welfare of the child is paramount. •All children, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse. •All suspicions and allegations of abuse should be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately. •All members and employees of the society should be clear on how to respond appropriately. The society will ensure that: •All children will be treated equally and with respect and dignity. •The duty of care to children will always be put first. •A balanced relationship based on mutual trust will be built which empowers the children to share in the decision making process. •Enthusiastic and constructive feedback will be given rather than negative criticism. •Bullying will not be accepted or condoned. •All adult members of the society provide a positive role model for dealing with other people. •Action will be taken to stop any inappropriate verbal or physical behaviour. •It will keep up-to-date with health & safety legislation. •It will keep informed of changes in legislation and policies for the protection of children. •It will undertake relevant development and training. •It will hold a register of every child involved with the society and will retain a contact name and number close at hand in case of emergencies. ​ The society has safeguarding procedures which accompany this policy. This policy should also be read in conjunction with the society’s Equal Opportunities Policy and Health & Safety Policy. The society has a dedicated Safeguarding Officer, who is in charge of ensuring that the safeguarding policy and procedures are adhered to. That person’s name is Barry TODD and he can be contacted on Email mobile 07827314513 This policy will be regularly monitored by the Executive Committee of the society and will be subject to annual review. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SOCIETY At the outset of any production involving children the society will: •Undertake a risk assessment and monitor risk throughout the production process. •Identify the person with designated responsibility for safeguarding. •Engage in effective recruitment of chaperones and other individuals with responsibility for children, including appropriate vetting (if necessary in consultation with the local education authority). •Ensure that children are supervised at all times. •Know how to get in touch with the local authority social services, in case it needs to report a concern. PARENTS •The society believes it to be important that there is trust between parents and the society. Parents are encouraged to be involved in the activities of the society and to share responsibility for the care of children. All parents will be given a copy the society’s Safeguarding Policy and procedures. •All parents have the responsibility to collect (or arrange collection of) their children after rehearsals or performances. It is NOT the responsibility of the society to take children home. UNSUPERVISED CONTACT •The society will attempt to ensure that no adult has unsupervised contact with children. •If possible there will always be two adults in the room when working with children. •If unsupervised contact is unavoidable, steps will be taken to minimize risk. For example, work will be carried out in a public area, or in a designated room with a door open. •If it is predicted that an individual is likely to require unsupervised contact with children, he or she may be required to obtain a criminal record disclosure. PHYSICAL CONTACT •All adults will maintain a safe and appropriate distance from children. •Adults will only touch children when it is absolutely necessary in relation to the particular activity. •Adults will seek the consent of the child prior to any physical contact and the purpose of the contact shall be made clear. MANAGING SENSITIVE INFORMATION •The society has a policy and procedures for the taking, using and storage of photographs or images of children. •Permission will be sought from the parents for use of photographic material featuring children for promotional or other purposes. •The society’s web-based materials and activities will be carefully monitored for inappropriate use. •The society will ensure confidentiality in order to protect the rights of its members, including the safe handling, storage and disposal of any sensitive information such as criminal record disclosures. SUSPICION OF ABUSE •If you see or suspect abuse of a child while in the care of the society, please make this known to the person with responsibility for safeguarding. •Please make a note for your own records of what you witnessed as well as your response, in case there is follow-up in which you are involved. •If a serious allegation is made against any member of the society, chaperone, venue staff etc., that individual will be suspended immediately until the investigation is concluded. The individual will be excluded from the theatre, rehearsal rooms etc. and will not have any unsupervised contact with any other children in the production. DISCLOSURE OF ABUSE If a child confides in you that abuse has taken place: •Remain calm and in control but do not delay taking action. •Listen carefully to what has been said. Allow the child to tell you at their own pace and ask questions only for clarification. Don’t ask questions that suggest a particular answer. •Don’t promise to keep it a secret. Use the first opportunity you have to share the information with the person with responsibility for safeguarding. Make it clear to the child that you will need to share this information with others. Make it clear that you will only tell the people who need to know and who should be able to help. •Reassure the child that ‘they did the right thing’ in telling someone. •Tell the child what you are going to do next. •Speak immediately to the person with responsibility for safeguarding. It is that person’s responsibility to liaise with the relevant authorities, usually social services or the police. •As soon as possible after the disclosing conversation, make a note of what was said, using the child’s own words. Note the date, time, any names that were involved or mentioned, and who you gave the information to. Make sure you sign and date your record. RECORDING INCIDENTS OF CONCERN •In all situations, including those in which the cause of concern arises from a disclosure made in confidence, the details of an allegation or reported incident will be recorded, regardless of whether or not the concerns have been shared with a statutory child protection agency. •An accurate note shall be made of the date and time of the incident or disclosure, the parties involved, what was said or done and by whom, any action taken to investigate the matter, any further action taken e.g. suspension of an individual, where relevant the reasons why the matter was not referred to a statutory agency, and the name of the persons reporting and to whom it was reported. •The record will be stored securely and shared only with those who need to know about the incident or allegation. RIGHTS & CONFIDENTIALITY •If a complaint is made against a member of the society, he or she will be made aware of his rights under the society’s disciplinary procedures. •No matter how you may feel about the accusation, both the alleged abuser and the child who is thought to have been abused have the right to confidentiality under the Data Protection Act 1998. Remember also that any possible criminal investigation could be compromised through inappropriate information being released. •In criminal law the Crown, or other prosecuting authority, has to prove guilt and the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty. ACCIDENTS •To avoid accidents, chaperones and children will be advised of “house rules” regarding health and safety and will be notified of areas that are out of bounds. Children will be advised of the clothing and footwear appropriate to the work that will be undertaken. •If a child is injured while in the care of the society, a designated first-aider will administer first aid and the injury will be recorded in the society’s accident book. This record will be countersigned by the person with responsibility for safeguarding. •If a child joins the production with an obvious physical injury a record of this will be made in the accident book. This record will be countersigned by the person with responsibility for safeguarding. This record can be useful if a formal allegation is made later and will also be a record that the child did not sustain the injury while participating in the production. CRIMINAL RECORD DISCLOSURES • If the society believes it is in its best interests to obtain criminal record disclosures ( D.B.S.) for chaperones or other personnel, it will inform the individual of the necessary procedures and the level of disclosure required. A Standard disclosure will apply for anyone with supervised access to children. An Enhanced disclosure will be required for anyone with unsupervised access. • The society will have a written code of practice for the handling of disclosure information. • The society will ensure that information contained in the disclosure is not misused. CHAPERONES • Chaperones will be appointed by the society for the care of children during the production process. By law the chaperone is acting in loco parentis and should exercise the care which a good parent might be reasonably expected to give to a child. The maximum number of children in the chaperone’s care shall not exceed 12. • Potential chaperones will be required to supply photographic proof of identity (e.g. passport, driving licence) and two references from individuals with knowledge of their previous work with children, unless already well known to the society. They will also be asked to sign a declaration stating that there is no reason why they would be considered unsuitable to work with children. • Chaperones will be made aware of the society’s Safeguarding Policy and Procedures. • Chaperones will not usually have unsupervised access to children in their care. If unsupervised access is unavoidable, or if this is a requirement of the local authority, a criminal record disclosure will be sought. • Where chaperones are not satisfied with the conditions for the children, they should bring this to the attention of the producer. If changes cannot be made satisfactorily, the chaperone should consider not allowing the child to continue. • If a chaperone considers that a child is unwell or too tired to continue, the chaperone must inform the producer and not allow the child to continue. • Under the Dangerous Performances Act, no child of compulsory school age is permitted to do anything which may endanger life or limb. This could include working on wires or heavy lifting. Chaperones should tell the producer to cease using children in this way and should contact the local authority. • During performances, chaperones will be responsible for meeting children at the stage door and signing them into the building. • Children will be kept together at all times except when using separate dressing rooms. • Chaperones will be aware of where the children are at all times. • Children are not to leave the theatre unsupervised by chaperones unless in the company of their parents. • Children will be adequately supervised while going to and from the toilets. • Children will not be allowed to enter the adult dressing rooms. • Chaperones should be aware of the safety arrangements and first aid procedures in the venue, and will ensure that children in their care do not place themselves and others in danger. • Chaperones should ensure that any accidents are reported to and recorded by the society. • Chaperones should examine accident books each day. If an accident has occurred, the producer is not allowed to use that child until a medically qualified opinion has been obtained (not just the word of the parent or child). • Chaperones should have written arrangements for children after performances. If someone different is to collect the child, a telephone call should be made to the parent to confirm the arrangements. • Children should be signed out when leaving and a record made of the person collecting. • If a parent has not collected the child, it is the duty of the chaperone to stay with that child or make arrangements to take them home. Kent Safeguarding Children Board Room 2.71, Sessions House County Hall Maidstone ME14 1XQ Email: Tel: 03000 421126 If you wish to contact your Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), please call 03000 410888, or email If you wish to make a referral to Social Services, please call 03000 411111 or email ​ Back to ROS policies

  • Calamity Jane 2009 | ROS

    Please click on individual phots to enlarge Back to Memory Lane Calamity Jane 2009 With thanks to Rachel! Main Gallery

Ramsgate Operatic Society is a registered UK charity no.  1091538

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