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Idly scanning the Spring 2020 copy of NODA Today, on page 47 I happened upon a familiar face and Society. Me (Bob Drywood) full frontal on the set of The Count of Luxembourg for Redditch Operatic Society in the late 50s-early 60s. I played the part of the French Artist, Brissard and also appeared in the chorus numbers when possible. I vividly recall those times. The marquee erected as a unisex dressing room to the side of the hostel/YMCA which was the venue used as the theatre in damp/frosty November and the sole toilet back stage used by cast and audience, with the sign outside reading “Do not flush during performances”. The photo shows the ballroom scene at dress rehearsal. In those days the orchestra (not band please!) were dressed formally as in the photograph. Oh! Happy days.


A BLAST FROM THE PAST        A snippet from our very own Bob Drywood

Ramsgate Operatic Society is a registered UK charity no.  1091538

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