Ramsgate Operatic Society
Registered charity no 109538
We encourage and welcome open, lively debate, but the decision to publish comments and/or images (including video) via any social media, associated with the Charity, remains at the discretion of the Trustees. The views expressed by any third party upon these platforms belong solely to them and are not necessarily endorsed by the charity. One or more Trustees shall be named as hosts or administrators of any such page, website or account.
The Definition
Social media is an interactive online media that allows users to communicate instantly with each other or to share data in a public forum. It includes social and business networking websites such as Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter and LinkedIn. Social media also covers video and image sharing websites such as Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and Flickr, as well as blogs. This is a constantly changing area with new websites and platforms being launched on a regular basis, and therefore this list is not exhaustive.
Official Accounts
For everyone posting on our behalf on any platform, the following rules must at all times be followed:
• Never post any potentially offensive or libellous material.
• Ensure that any communication has a purpose and a benefit for the society.
• Obtain permission from the committee before embarking on a public campaign using social media.
• Request a committee member to check and approve content before it is published online, if necessary.
• Follow any additional guidelines given by the society.
Members’ Accounts
Comments and/or images on any Charity associated social media platform will be acceptable if they conform to the following criteria:
They do not bring the Charity into disrepute
Comments and/or images shall not be malicious or offensive in nature, and shall not constitute a personal attack on a person’s character and shall not constitute bullying, harassment or discrimination against any organisation or individual
They do not incite hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or any other personal characteristic
They do not reveal personal details, such as private addresses, phone numbers, email addresses or other online contact details, unless expressly desired by that person.
They are reasonably concise, and do not constitute spamming of the site.
They do not impersonate or falsely claim to represent a person or organisation.
They are not party political in nature.
They do not include offensive, hate or other obscene material.
They do not break the law – this includes libel, condoning illegal activity, and breaking copyright.
They do not advertise commercial products and services except for the purpose of advertising amateur productions, or trips to see professional productions
They do not disparage any member of the Charity, or any other amateur group or member
Persons under 16 of age shall obtain the permission of their parent or guardian before submitting a comment.
Ensure that any personal views expressed are clearly stated as yours alone and not representative of the society’s views.
Do not bring the society into disrepute, for example by posting images or video clips that are inappropriate or links to inappropriate website content.
Do not allow your interaction on social media websites or blogs to damage working relationships with or between members, audience members or suppliers of the society, for example by criticising or arguing with such persons.
Do not post any personal details of anyone connected to the society without their express permission.
Avoid making any derogatory, offensive, adverse, discriminatory, untrue, negative, critical or defamatory comments about the society, other members, patrons, contractors or suppliers, or any comments which might reasonably be considered to insult, damage or impugn the society’s or their reputation or character.
Do not disclose any secrets or confidential, proprietary or sensitive information belonging to the society or members. This may include the nature or title of upcoming shows.
Do not breach copyright or any other proprietary interest belonging to the society.
Social Media Monitoring
The society reserves the right to monitor the use of social media on the internet. We may do this through randomised searches, specifically looking up profiles we suspect, or are referred to, as breaking the rules.
The purposes of this monitoring are to:
Ensure compliance with our own policy.
Ensure the society is complying with our own policies and legal obligations.
Protect the interests and reputation of the society and its members.
Contravention of this Policy
If necessary, any article comment, image, video, thread or post shall be moderated by the Trustees and will be removed if it does not meet the above criteria. Persons or Organisations who ignore this ruling shall have their threads, comments or posts removed. Any member found to repeatedly or seriously breach our policy may be asked to leave the society.